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Week 6
Open House Mastery
Why is this the BEST way to build business?
- You'll be face to face with buyers
- You'll be face to face with homeowners
- You'll be face to face with renters
- You'll see and feel the market
Always ask for feedback
Amplify your business
- Open House Invite Calls
- Open house script
- Private Mail
- Social Posts
- Email Blasts
You can touch 1000 plus people with one open house... ORGANICALLY
Becoming the local specialist
- Review comparable homes
Whats active
Whats under-contract
Whats sold in past 6 months
Research the building, know the layouts and which way they face (East, west, north, south)
Become a local market SPECIALIST.
Be ready to interview!
How to prepar
- Show up 1 hr early
- Bring a wireless speaker
- Have 2 Brocures (Yours and MLS)
- Have business cards ready
- 3 signs, balloons on each sign
- Have your KvCore sign-in
- Have some snacks and water
Be ready to interview!
Customer ServiceMFO
00:00 / 13:50
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